*(Extended) Submission Deadline: 29 April 2021
Panels at JCDL are intended to draw together communities of interest, including those with strong traditions in the digital library community as well as those involving emerging issues of interest to members of the community at large. Panels will last 60 minutes and should consider mechanisms to accommodate participants from all time zones (e.g., repeated delivery, recording). Panels can be comprised of short position statements with longer format discussions or can be structured to engage audience members in a direct discussion from the very outset.
Submissions, in any format, should include a statement of learning objectives for the panel, a topical outline for the panel, identification of the expected audience and expected number of attendees, a tentative list of panelists and their bios. Please indicate if the panelists have already been contacted about the panel and include contact and biographical information about the organizers. (It is possible for organizers to serve as panelists as well but this is not a requirement.). The organizers’ prior experience with organizing any similarly themed panel or workshop should be noted in the proposal.
Panel proposals are due via Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jcdl2021) on 29 April 2021. If you have questions, please contact the panel chair prior to the due date:
Dion Goh, Nanyang Technological University