Workshop Abstracts

1st International Workshop on Digital Language Archives
Interactive virtual workshop on digital language archives — digital libraries that preserve and provide online access to language data –seeks to address the growing need. It will explore a broad scope of issues related to digital language archives. This includes challenges and opportunities, strategies and solutions for: facilitating depositing and improving access; information organization, architecture, and retrieval; quality assurance; user experiences; ethical issues; ways of encouraging reuse of deposited language data in research and education. Workshop is expected to support interdisciplinary collaboration among information professionals, linguists, educators, representatives of language communities (including indigenous and other underrepresented), other interested audiences.

Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects (DISCO2021)
This workshop will build awareness and community around quality, context, and knowledge maintenance problems in digital libraries among a broad and diverse audience; discovery research and collaboration opportunities; and set an agenda for improving the quality and usability of scientific digital libraries, digital publishing platforms, and digital repositories.

Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE2021)
In the era of big data, massive amounts of information and data have dramatically changed human civilization. The broad availability of information provides more opportunities for people, but there has appeared a new challenge: how can we obtain useful knowledge from numerous information sources. As a crucial medium for knowledge transmission, scientific documents that contain a large number of knowledge entities attract the attention of scholars. The goal of this workshop is to engage the related communities in open problems in the extraction and evaluation of knowledge entities from scientific documents. The results of this workshop are expected to provide scholars, especially early career researchers, with knowledge recommendations and other knowledge entity-based services.

The Future of Digital Libraries
The Workshop on Future Digital Libraries questions what new theories, technologies and challenges should shape the future of digital library research and practice. We welcome submissions from computer, information and library sciences, and from practitioners facing strategic challenges in delivering the expectations of contemporary digital libraries. Proposals that draw on acknowledged problems and needs, or present new and emerging user requirements are all equally encouraged. The workshop will seek out the research needed to deliver the DLs of the next twenty years.

HistoInformatics2021 is the sixth installment of the HistoInformatics workshop series. The HistoInformatics workshops bring together researchers in the historical disciplines, computer science and associated disciplines and the cultural heritage sector. A new wealth of digitized historical documents have opened up new challenges for the computer-assisted analysis of large text or image corpora. The advances of computer sciences can be utilized in research tasks and projects dedicated to processing, organization and analysis of such data. We invite papers from a wide range of topics which are of relevance for computational history, cultural heritage informatics sector and digital humanities in general.